President: Luke Vu

Luke is a graduate of North Quincy High School ’12 and was a member of Team HYPER for four years.

Vice President: Vacant

Treasurer: Kevin Zhang

Kevin is a graduate of North Quincy High School ’02 and was a member of Team HYPER for four years. He has been a mentor of the team for almost thirteen years and currently works at Dell as an engineer.

Secretary: Joseph Nelson

Joe is a graduate of North Quincy High School ’15 and was a member of Team HYPER for four years.

Roles & Responsibilities

The President presides over the Executive Board. He/She has the authority to call open meetings of the HYPER Alumni Association (HAA) and Executive Board meetings as well as approve meetings called by members of the Executive Board. The president ensures the activities of the association are in accordance with the Bylaws of the HAA and will advance the goals of the HAA. The president is the final approver of and is responsible for all HAA activities.

The Vice-President shall support or assume all the duties of the President as needed. He/She will be the primary fundraiser of the HAA and will be responsible for organizing all fundraising efforts.

The Treasurer is responsible for recording and managing the finances of the HAA. He/She will be named as the primary on all accounts and is authorized to make payments for the HAA.

The Secretary will be responsible for marketing and public relations for the HAA. He/She will be the primary contact for all media organizations and the manager of all HAA social media accounts. The Secretary is also responsible for maintenance of the records and minutes of the meetings of the HAA and Executive Board.